The Western Cave Conservancy encourages individuals and organizations to undertake research at its properties as long as it meets one or more of the following general objectives:
- Increases the understanding of processes and features or those in other karst regions.
- Leads to better management of our properties or those in other karst regions.
- Improves the overall “experience” of those visiting our properties or other karst regions.
- Increases the safety of those visiting WCC properties or other karst regions.
In addition, all research carried out on WCC properties must meet the following criteria:
- The goals and objectives of the research must be clearly defined.
- The research must not duplicate research already carried out. Note that this does not preclude appropriate follow-up studies designed to detect changes or to supplement previous work.
- There must be a clear beginning and end to each project.
- The work must not cause permanent damage to any caves, natural features, biota, or historical resources nor interfere with natural hydrologic or chemical processes.
- The research plan must assure the maximum safety of all concerned.
- Unless specifically authorized by the Board, researchers must operate within the confines of the established management plans for each property.
- The work must not interfere with the “experience” of other property visitors.
Please complete the form to indicate your interest.